5-days program of


We help Ukrainian veterans, military personnel, combatants and their spouses to significantly ease difficult psychological conditions and return to a full-fledged life in an atmosphere of care and love

Welcome to the Phoenix Recovery Space

We invite you to sunny, picturesque Spain to our center. In an atmosphere of care and love, we heal souls and bring them back to full life with the help of the scientifically approved method of PAT therapy.



Many times better than classical psychotherapy and rehabilitation of the following conditions:

● Medium/severe, complex forms of PTSD,

● Depression and anxiety disorders.

● In the case of inefficiency of drug therapy of the above-mentioned conditions and the absence of positive changes from traditional treatment. Give yourself a chance for a happy life �

30 treatment

Take part for free

We invite veterans, combatants together with family / couple on a completely free basis, including:





*Organizational and program costs are financed through the support of our charity fund conscious, caring people.




There are feedbacks from the participants below: a stable, strongly positive effect was achieved in 99% of cases. There is no need for repeated sessions, the dependence of the condition on pharmacotherapy in the future disappears.

Work on self and integration of experience is done under the guidance of our psychedelic support provider. To get a result, it is important to have your own internal desire and willingness to change for the better �

Award "Comfortable and Modern Office Design"

The program continues


* excluding travel time. Our team will also fully organize and take care of your journey both ways (there and back).

    Step by step preparation
    1 session of PAT – 1 day
    up to 3 sessions
Award "Most Innovative Solutions for Companies"

Change of lifestyle


A special healthy diet, therapeutic recovery with nature, sun and sea, fresh air, learning elements of self-regulation such as yoga and breathing practices for further independent application.

    A healing atmosphere, Set & Settings
    Healthy Lifestyle
Award "Best Service Provider"



The healing path is carefully guided by a personal, experienced provider of psychedelic support. For the most part, in 1 session, you will get a stable, positive result.

    67% probability of completely curing cPTSD
    88% – significantly reduce negative symptoms
Award "Comfortable and Modern Office Design"



Safe communication and trust. We will help you to carry out work on psychological recovery: rethink the experience, find meanings, values, achieve internal balance and psychological well-being.

    Psychological integration
    Restoration of the thirst for life, meanings and values.

Apply for participation

Send an application or simply write to our number
(WhatsApp, Telegram) and you will receive further instructions.

How the PAT method works

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Psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) is based on the principle of neuroplasticity of the brain, which significantly increases under the influence of medical psychoactive substances and is combined with psycholytic psychotherapy.

  • грибы

    The session continues during the active effect of the psychedelic: from 4 to 8 hours (individually).

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During this time, an experienced psychedelic support provider (specially trained specialist) helps you go through the process of reconfiguring and restoring the structures of the psyche

  • With complex psychological upheavals, it can be very difficult to get out of the closed circle of trauma. After all, in its normal state, it is as if "cemented" and cannot be changed.

A personal psychotherapist will be by your side and support you throughout the healing process

Clinical research data



Doesn't cause addiction. Eliminates the need to take drugs. Not toxic. Safely. There is no need for repeated PAT sessions.

58% of victims AD depended for the rest of their lives. The effectiveness of the drugs is lower after 1-3 sessions of PAT.

Symptoms Reduction


people have a significant reduction in symptoms after one or several PAT sessions

Лише у 32% випадків спостерігається покращення симптомів при традиційній психологічній реабілітації пост-травматичного стресового розладу.

Completely Healing


respondents were completely cured of PTSD after sessions of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

50% НЕ МАЮТЬ ВЗАГАЛІ ніяких помітних результатів і лише ~17% випадків ПТСР виліковується в Україні на сьогодні.

Why in Spain and not in Ukraine?

Quality, medical psychoactive drugs are currently available here and can be used for therapy sessions that are completely safe, non-toxic, non-addictive, and have good effects in terms of neuroplasticity.

Welcome everyone to participate in the Fenix Project's psychological recovery in Valencia, Spain.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy changed my life in one session

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Stanislav Gibadulin is a veteran of the ATO, one of the founders of Fenix



Ветеранка АТО, парамедикиня, учасниця бойових дій (УБД)

Відео — 2 хв. 30 сек.

За плечима неефективне 5-річне психологічне лікування за традиційними методами, доступними зараз в Україні. На відео: учасниця проекту Яна ділиться моментами проходження свого відновлення та враженнями одразу після закінчення 5-денної програми Фенікс.


The participants have already been rehabilitated under the "Phoenix" program.


Veterans took part (including) and successfully overcame the severe shocks.


A stable, pronounced positive effect was obtained.

  • Надалі відсутня потреба повторних сесій, зникає залежність стану від антидеприсантів.

Society begins with each and every one of us

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Fenix Project

Any question?

If your questions are not answered here, please contact us in any convenient way 💛

We have prepared a separate, special section for the most common questions. Most of the answers are here.

Get to know the Phoenix team, find out who we are, what our mission and goals are.